1 One spread of the book showcasing a colour issue from “Numbers”, a stock trial from “2008” and underneath a misprint from “Theatre in the Streets”.

2-8 Various spreads from the book showing development from a range of projects.

(all final projects are showcased on this website or on my instagram @lyonsdarby_)


~ Practice, Process and Prog^ress

This self-initiated project was born when curating my Graduate Showcase contribution. My process has been an important development over my three years at university. My relationship with developing work, discarding work and an iterative practice has grown drastically. I value this element of my craft much more now.

To showcase this in the show, I created a wire-bound book of work from all three years of my degree. I curated a selection of samples of development work, all cut down to A5. This book shows how I work, with tactile and craft-focused work.

Some pages show my material experimentation or colour and print trials; others show the physical development of projects through proofs or plans. The book includes lino prints, miss-prints, layout drafts, stock trials, blurry imagery, composition edits, and much more.

This is a celebration of the journey along the way and the bits that go wrong that ultimately make the final project.