1 Front Cover
2 Back Cover

3 The Publication


 ~ Numbers

“Design a publication proposal for the publisher Diagram – a research cluster within the School of Communication at Falmouth University. The publication will be distributed through Falmouth University Press, which is run by designers, writers and educators.”

Named "Numbers" because of the inclusivity that numerical systems bring, this publication surrounding diversity, focuses on perspective. In the opinion of our group (Isobel Wergan, Adam King, Gustavo Armella and Myself) numerical systems are more universial than language therfore being a more inclusive method of communicating, as well as being tied to the octothorp symbol which was a brillant piece of visual communication that the other designers could utilise. My particular insight focuses on the way topics are viewed and how this is fundamental to inclusivity.

From the blue to represent blueprint paper to the isometric illustration of #6, perspective is throughout the publication.