1 Book Mockup

Front Cover
Raw images from the photoshoot


~Peach Pig

Peach Pig is a title by Cecilia Knapp, being designed by Falmouth students for a competition by the Little, Brown Book group.

My insight revolved around how being a young woman in today’s society is like living in a house with no roof. Everything may look okay but peel back the facade. The house is falling apart.

An insight from consumer research led to a much longer conversation where we created this metaphor:

“It is like living in a house with no roof; most of the essential parts like doors and walls are there but the roof is gone. You say
“My house has no roof, can you help fix it?”
And they point and tell you there is nothing wrong with your house, that their grandmother lived in a garden shed, that you should be grateful to have walls. You hear stories about other people who have no roof who have been kidnapped, raped, and murdered because no one
helped them get a roof. You say again
“Please help me put a roof on my house”
but no one believes you, because they have roofs and they are safe. So you live in a house with no roof. Exposed to the wind and rain of microaggressions, sexual comments, unwanted touches, mansplaining, and complete lack of respect because your counterparts, who live sheltered in their warm dry homes with a roof will never fully understand what it is like to live without.”

This relates to themes in the poetry book of confusion around femininity, as well as the author’s desire for the cover to be ironic and satirical. Knapp was very clear about her wants (and more importantly, dislikes) for the cover.